Continuing professional development (webinars, seminars, conferences and clinical training days) - 2020
Nutritional frameworks - Biocare
Continuing professional development (webinars, seminars, conferences and clinical training days) - 2019
The When, What and How of Gut Testing - Regenerus Labs.
Bloods: Functional Testing and Interpretation - ANP - College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Successful Case Histories - Nutri-Link.
Personalized Approach to Managing Male Hormones - Genova Diagnostics.
Allergies - Nutri-Link.
Gut and the Endocrine Systems - ANP - College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Hashimotos and Autoimmunity Masterclass - Tanya Borowski - The Royal Society of Medicine. London.
Chemical Cascade - Detoxification Explained - Biocare webinar.
Nurturing your Nature - Biocare - Cavendish Conference Centre - London.
Methylation Connection - Biocare webinar.
Histamine Intolerance or Allergy? Practical ways to identify and address these conditions - OptiBac Probiotics.
Feeding the Microbiome - Biocare webinar.
Genova Methylation and Hormone Diagnostic Testing Practitioner Training Day.
Female Ecology - Menopause - Invivo Clinical.
Meaningful Change for Patients - Biocare conference - Cavendish Square, London.
Genova Lifestyle and Methylome - Methylation Panel and Epigenetics.
Continuing professional development (webinars, seminars, conferences and clinical training days) - 2018
Integral Medicine Part 1 - Institute of Optimum Nutrition.
Women and Hormones with Dr Bethany Hays - Invivo Clinical Education.
Oncology and Natural Remedies - Biomedica. Association of Naturopathic Practitioners.
INTEGRATIVE HEALTHCARE AND APPLIED NUTRITION SUMMIT. 'Advanced Nutrient Therapy: Healing the Brain to Improve Energy, Mood and Behaviour'. William Walsh. 'Gut Makeover Results'. Jeannette Hyde. 'The Hidden Factor in all Disease - Using Medical NLP to reorientate your clients to healing and health'. Dr Khalid Khan. 'Evidence against cholesterol and CVD'. Dr Malcolm Kendrick.
Hpo-Axis Workshop - Association of Naturopathic Practitioners.
Supporting Female Health and Hormones - Nutri Advanced.
Cytoplan Practitioners Roadshow London. Using evidence based data in practice and how to interpret laboratory markers.
A Clinical Approach to Autism - Jo Gamble. Using tests used to uncover deficiencies and oxidative stress markers.
Introduction to Essential Oils - Association of Naturopathic Practitioners.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – A Complex Modern Syndrome? - NutriAdvanced
GUT HEALTH - IHCAN Conference. Ben Brown 'Gut on Fire - Personalized nutritional therapy for Inflammatory bowel disease and Nigel Plummer 'Gut Health - the role of the intestine and its microbiome in wtilhole body hudalth and disease'.
Digestive Enzymes: Clinical Considerations in IBS, SIBO, Dysbiosis and the Leaky Gut - Science Enzymes.
Headaches - Different Forms and How to Manage Them - Solgar Academy.
Hashimotos - Putting Theory into Practice - Nouveau Health Conference London.
Sleep and Fertility - Solger Academy.
Bacteria and Bacterial Infection: Natural Therapies - Rio Health.
Inflamm-Nation - Biocare Adaptive Health Seminars Exeter.
Eco Shock: Gut and Imbalance Explained - Biocare Webinar.
Potential Mushroom Compounds as Immuno-modulators in Cancer - IHCAN Webinar
GI MAP: Lower GI Case Studies - Invivo Clinical Education.
Lactulose: Upper GI Case Studies - Invivo Clinical Education.
Implementing GI-MAP Stool Testing in Clinical Practice - Genova Diagnostics.
My Qualifications and Accreditations
In my early twenties I completed a 5 year degree in Research and Social Science. As part of my final year assessment, I worked for two charities and co-wrote and published two research projects assessing the difficulties women faced when returning to work after having children and GP services in Hertfordshire. The papers were presented to the House of Parliament.
Diplomas in Nutritional Therapy and Naturopathy from the College of Naturopathic Medicine. (The course consisted of modules including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, differential diagnosis, evidence based research and study, the use of nutrients as therapeutics and many hours of clinical training. It placed great emphasis on possible nutrient and herb/drug interactions and which natural medicines may be used safely with conventional medications).